Nemzetközi projektek Törökországban és Olaszországban

Az „ICT Tools for Youth Workers” projekt március 13-20. között kerül megrendezésre a törökországi Bitlis városában.

3 helyre lehet jelentkezni 18 és 30 éves kor között.

A projekt leírása angol nyelven:

Our project has been developed to ensure that youth workers and youth trainers learn about the use of ICT technologies in the field of youth work, to improve their competencies and to make up for the shortcomings in this area. As the Silk Road Culture and Tourism Association, we realized that while we were helping young people in Bitlis to participate in youth projects, we also lacked the use of ICT technologies in our association’s activities and that we have realized that usage of ICT technologies are enhancing the quality of youth work. In this context, we want to carry out the project to promote the use of ICT in youth work.

In the process, Project Management, Social Media, Educational Planning, Campaigning and Advocacy issues will be discussed and how these applications should be done and how they should be used in youth work in the process. As a result of the project, youth trainers and youth workers are expected to develop their competencies in this field.

Participating young people and institutions will be directly affected by the project, the capacities of youth organizations will increase and it will increase the quality of youth work that they provide.

The objectives of our project are;

– To inform youth workers about the use of ICT and to increase their competence in this area

-To encourage youth workers to use Internet tools effectively in the planning, execution and implementation phases

– To bring competencies to organize social media campaigns to raise awareness among young people

-To enable young people to acquire basic competencies to develop internet-based services for individuals living in disability and rural areas

-To enable young people to acquire the necessary competencies to prepare e-learning and e-training program

-To pave the way for networking among youth workers for the development of e-education programs.

Feltétel:az útiköltséget minden résztvevőnek meg kell előlegeznie, amit a program után 360 euro összegig visszatérítenek.

A szállást és étkezést a szervezők biztosítják!

Jelentkezési határidő február 1!


A  INTEGR-ACTION! Sharing experiences to improve integration practices   projekt április 3-tól 10-ig lesz az olaszországi Forliban.

Helyszín: Olaszország, Forli.

7 helyre lehet jelentkezni 18-től 30 éves korig.

A projekt leírása angol nyelven:

The main objective of the project is to provide the participants with the necessary tools to better understand the current migration phenomenon, as well as to encourage the development and strengthening of values such as solidarity, tolerance, and mutual respect.

Another aim is to encourage the participants to become active citizens who take an interest in civic issues and the main socio-economic changes that currently affect our society while respecting the social and cultural differences of each participant.

The project’s objectives are derived from the effective needs observed both at the European and at the local level.

The participants and migrants will learn from each other through a wide range of activities such as presentations, role plays, simulation games, visits to local welcoming centers and an intercultural evening where each nationality showcases traditional food, music, dances, and the like. At the end of the project, in order to bring the message of acceptance of our differences out to the wider public, the participants will organize a flash mob in the city centre.

Participants will also reflect on the arguments raised by the far-right parties that are currently in power in several European countries. They will develop the ability to respond with critical arguments to their statements. The aim is for the representatives of the participating associations to then bring back the knowledge and values developed during the project to their respective countries of origin.

They will be able to promote important values to encourage successful integration, to combat the rampant racism that we are facing and thus to create a more cohesive and inclusive society. Solidarity, tolerance, and brotherhood are among the founding values of the European Union.  This project strives to strengthen and diffuse these values.


Feltétel:az útiköltséget minden résztvevőnek meg kell előlegeznie, amit a program után 270 euro összegig visszatérítenek.

A szállást és étkezést a szervezők biztosítják!

Jelentkezési határidő február 1!

Jelentkezni mindkét projekt esetében 5-6 mondatos motivációs levél lehet és további információ az email címen valamint László Miklósnál a 0620-2798694-es telefonszámon. Pécsváradi és környékbeli jelentkezők előnyben részesülnek!